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学术报告 “李理论与现代数学”系列讲座第九讲
报  告  人:徐晓濛助理教授(北京大学),赵明慧副教授(北京林业大学)
时        间:2021年5月28日(周五)上午9:30-11:30
地        点:线上,腾讯会议号:459 237 111

题目:A complex analysis origin of crystal bases

摘要:In this talk, we give a complex analysis origin of crystal bases in representation theory.

In particular, we show that the WKB approximation of Stokes matrices, of certain meromorphic differential equations associated to a representation, gives rise to a crystal base of the representation.



报告人简介:徐晓濛,北京大学助理教授。他于2013年在北京大学获硕士学位,2016年获日内瓦大学博士学位,接着在麻省理工学院从事博士后研究。主要研究方向是表示论、辛几何、奇点理论以及其在数学物理中的应用。在Adv. Math., Comm. Math. Phys., Int. Math. Res. Not. 等杂志发表多篇论文。


题目:Constructions of highest weight modules of double Ringel-Hall algebras via functions

摘要: Zheng Hao studied the bounded derived categories of constructible sheaves on some algebraic stacks consisting of the representations of a framed quiver and categorified the integrable highest weight modules of the corresponding quantum group by using these categories. In this talk, we shall introduce a generalization of Zheng's work and give realizations of highest weight modules of a certain subalgebra of the double Ringel-Hall algebra of a finite quiver via spaces of functions on representation varieties of the framed quiver.


报告人简介:赵明慧,北京林业大学副教授,2013年博士毕业于清华大学。研究领域是代数表示论,主要从事Hall代数,量子群等相关问题的研究。目前在J. AlgebraAlgebr. Represent. Theory等杂志上发表论文数篇。


