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学术报告 “李理论与现代数学”系列讲座第七讲
报  告  人:常文副教授(陕西师范大学)
时        间:2021年4月29日(周四)上午10:00-11:00
地        点:线上,腾讯会议号:440 282 068

题目:Quivers with potentials for Grassmannian cluster algebras

摘要: We construct quivers with potentials (QPs) for Grassmannian cluster algebras. The mutation of such QP is compatible with the geometric exchange of the Postnikov diagram associated to the quiver. It is also rigid and Jacobian-finite. In fact, we prove that it is the unique rigid QP associated to the Grassmannian cluster algebra up to right-equivalence. Then we consider the Amiot's (generalized) cluster category arising from the QP. It is shown that a kind of auto-equivalence group of the cluster category is isomorphic to the cluster automorphism group of the associated Grassmannian cluster algebra with trivial coefficients. This is joint work with Jie Zhang.

报告人简介:常文,陕西师范大学副教授,2015年博士毕业于清华大学。研究领域是代数表示论和同调代数,以及其他相关课题,例如丛代数以及曲面的组合等。目前在J. Algebra,Math. Z.,Pacific J. Math. ,Sci. China Math. 等主流数学杂志上发表论文数篇。




