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学术报告 Working Seminar in Dynamical Systems: Introduction to Thermodynamic Formalism
报  告  人:王昕晟 博士(河北师范大学)
时        间:2020年6月30日(周二) 上午 9:00-10:00
地        点:腾讯会议号:534 683 513

摘  要:In this talk, we give some basic comcepts and results on the general theory of equilibrium statistical mechanics of classical lattice systems, which are from Ruelle’s classical monograph “Thermodynamic Formalism: The Mathematical Structures of Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics”. Firstly, we give the theory of Gibbs states, without assuming invariance under lattice translations. Then, assuming translation invariance we introduce the theory of equilibrium states and of the pressure for classical lattice systems; general results on phase transitions are also given. We also discuss the connection between Gibbs states and equilibrium states. In the last, we talk about one-dimensional systems and some recent advance on this topic.

报告人简介:王昕晟,2020年6月博士毕业于河北师范大学。2019年1月-2020年1月赴美国杨百翰大学联合培养。主要从事微分动力系统和光滑遍历论的理论研究。目前的研究兴趣集中在光滑随机动力系统的不稳定熵与压以及原像熵与压等方面。在《DISCRETE CONT DYN-A》、《J MATH ANAL APP》、《ACTA MATH SINICA》等数学期刊上发表论文5篇。

