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Can computational technology adequately predict chemical properties, environmental and toxicological behavior of chemicals 学术报告
报  告  人:Prof. Philip W. Lee
时        间:2019年8月29日 上午10点
地        点:西校区理学楼143教室
联系人:王鹏 张莉

Philip W. Lee教授曾在全球六大农药公司之一的美国杜邦公司長期从事农药科学方面工作,之后担任日本京都大学教授,中国华东理工大学客座教授。在农药科学方面具有很好的研究背景和丰富的知识先后曾在南开大学、中国农业大学、华东理工大学、台湾朝阳科技大学举办过环境化学、代谢化学、环境和饮食风险评估方面的讲座。


BS (Chemistry, University of California- Davis 1971)

MS (Entomology, University of California-Riverside 1975)

PhD (Pesticide toxicology, University of California-Riverside 1976)

Post Doctoral Fellowship (Biochemical pharmacology, Vanderbilt University, School of Medicine, 1977)

Work history:

1978-2008 (Research scientist, retired, DuPont Company, Wilmington DE, pesticide, drug and industrial chemical discovery, development and safety evaluation)

2010-2012 (Professor Emeritus, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan)

2008-2010, 2013-current (Adjunct professor, China Agricultural University, Beijing; East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai; etc.)


More than 70 research papers in the area of pesticide science, environmental chemistry, pesticide residue analyses, toxicology, metabolism chemistry and computational chemistry/toxicology.
