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“李理论与现代数学”系列讲座第四讲 Hall Algebras and Quantum Cluster Algebras
报  告  人:陈学庆 教授(University of Wisconsin-Whitewater)
时        间:2020年1月8日(周三)上午10:00-11:00
地        点:中国农业大学东校区理学院102

摘    要:  

Through the Ringel-Hall algebra approach, one can construct quantum groups from some abelian categories, and construct Kac-Moody Lie algebras and some elliptic Lie algebras from the derived categories of some finite dimensional associative algebras. In this talk, the constructions of Hall algebras of some abelian categories and derived Hall algebras of some triangulated categories will be presented and the relations between them will be characterized. We will also address some connections between Hall algebras and quantum cluster algebra. As an application, we categorify an algebra homomorphism from some subalgebra of a derived Hall algebra to the corresponding quantum cluster algebra .  


陈学庆,美国University of Wisconsin-Whitewater教授。研究领域为有限维代数(箭图)的表示、Hall代数与量子群、Cluster代数与量子Cluster代数。2002年博士毕业于加拿大Carleton University,先后在University of Ottawa,University of Windsor从事科研工作。陈教授在包括Compositio Math., Contem. Math., Journal of Algebra等期刊上发表过高水平论文近30篇。


