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数学学术报告: A Chitchat on Mathematical Research and Writing Mathematical Papers
报  告  人:Goong Chen教授( Texas A&M University)
时        间:2018年6月4日(周一)上午8:40-10:40
地        点:东校区理学院410教室

  要:In this talk, the speaker will first discuss some general principles of mathematical and scientific research from a broad perspective: what kind of advantages/disadvantages and strengths/weaknesses that you or your team may have in this competitive world of research and scientific publishing?

The speaker will then demonstrate the editorial process of scientific publishing from submission, refereeing to acceptance using real research journals as examples. From the demonstration of this editorial process, the author can understand better what the criteria, expectations and tools are in order to facilitate the acceptance of his/her papers by a research journal.

From there,, if time permits, the speaker will further address elements of good English technical writing so that the quality of English prose can be enhanced. Some common grammatical and syntactic errors by Chinese scholars will be illustrated. Ideas for improvements will also be suggested.

The speaker hopes that this presentation will be interactive with the audience's active participation, commenting and discussions. The final objective is that through such discussions, everyone (including the speaker himself) can write better papers in the future.

报告人简介:美国德州农工大学(Texas A&M University-College Station)终身教授, 博士生导师。 研究应用和计算数学的许多领域:偏微分方程的控制理论、边界元方法和偏微分方程的数值解、工程力学、混沌动力学、量子计算、化学物理和量子力学等,出版7本英文著作,主编2个学术专辑,在SIAM ReviewSIAM J Control Optim等刊物上发表了150多篇学术论文。目前是SCI期刊JMAA主编和美国Chapman & Hall/CRC出版社应用数学类丛书主编。
