 >>  师资力量  >>  副教授  >>  数学系
性 别: 学 位: 博士
职 称: 副教授 所属系别: 应用数学系
E -- mail : liuxuhua@cau.edu.cn
2003.07——至今         中国农业大学理学院应用数学系;
2012.07——2013.07   University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Visiting scholar;
2013.07                       Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Short term visiting;
9. 国家自然科学基金:高维复杂结构数据降维(11471030
8. 国家自然科学基金:极限学习机拓展研究及其在近红外光谱分析中的应用(11471010)
7. 质检公益性行业科研专项:农业标准化生产普及率统计方法及标准研究(201410235)
6. 国家自然科学基金:多重检验中的广义错误率控制研究及应用(11201478)
5. 国家自然科学基金:高维数据降维和变量选择的若干稳健方法研究(11101022)
4. 国家自然科学基金:混合效应模型中的置信分布推断(11126197)
3. 基本科研业务费专项资金项目:基于闭曲面分类定理的变量选择新方法研究(2012JC005)
2. 国家自然科学基金:统计假设检验问题的p-值(11071015)
1. 基本科研业务费专项资金项目:随机效应模型中的广义推断(2010JS037)
19. Xuhua Liu, Xingzhong Xu, Jan Hannig, Least squares generalized inferences in unbalanced two-component normal mixed linear model, Computational Statistics, (2015+) . In press. (SCI)
18. Xuhua Liu, Na Li, Yuqin Hu, A new generalized confidence interval for the among-group variance in the heteroscedastic one-way random effects model, Communications in Statistics- Simulation & Computation, (2015+) . In press. (SCI)
17. Xuhua Liu, Xingzhong Xu, Weiyan Mu, An Exact Generalized Test for Homogeneity of Inverse Gaussian Scale Parameters, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, (English Series), (2015+) . In press. (SCI)
16. Xuhua Liu, Xingzhong Xu, Confidence distribution inferences in one-way random effects model, Test-Spain, (2015+). In press. (SCI)
15. Xuhua Liu, Na Li, Yuqin Hu, Combining inferences on the common mean of several Inverse Gaussian distributions based on confidence distribution, Statistics & Probability Letters 105(2015), 136-142. (SCI)
14. Xuhua Liu, Xingzhong Xu, A note on combined inference on the common coefficient of variation using confidence distributions, Electronic Journal of Statistics 9(2015), 219–233. (SCI)
13. Daojiang He, Xingzhong Xu, Xuhua Liu, The Use of Posterior Predictive P-Values in Testing Goodness-of-Fit, Communications in Statistics- Theory & Methods 42(2013), 4287-4297. (SCI) 
12. Xuhua Liu, Daojiang He, Testing Homogeneity of Inverse Gaussian Scale Parameters based on Generalized Likelihood Ratio, Communications in Statistics- Simulation & Computation 42 (2013), 382-392. (SCI)
11. Xuhua Liu, Xingzhong Xu, Jianxin Zhao, A new generalized p-value approach for testing equality of coefficients of variation in k normal populations, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 81 (2011), 1121-1130. (SCI)
10. Liu Xuhua, Min Shungeng, He Xiongkui, Zhang Luda,Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Quantitative Analysis Model Based on Inverse Regression, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis 31(2011),2098-2101. (SCI)
9. Na Li, Xingzhong Xu, Xuhua Liu, Testing the constancy in varying coefficient regression models, Metrika 74 (2011), 409–438. (SCI)
8. 晋佩,徐兴忠,刘旭华,基于真假设比例广义推断的多重检验方法,北京理工大学学报 31 (2010), 1004-1008. (EI)
7. Xuhua Liu, Xingzhong Xu, A new generalized p-value approach for testing homogeneity of variances, Statistics & Probability Letters 80 (2010), 1486-1491. (SCI) 
6. Chen Wanhui, Liu Xuhua, He Xiongkui, Min Shungeng, Zhang Luda, Near- Infrared Spectrum Quantitative Analysis Model Based on Principal Components Selected by Elastic Net, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis 30(2010),2932-2935. (SCI)
5. Zhang Man, Liu Xuhua, He Xiongkui, Zhang Luda, Zhao Longlian, Li Junhui, Study on the Application of Ridge Regression to Near-Infrared Spectrum Quantitative Analysis and Optimum Wavelength Selection, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis 30(2010), 1214-1217. (SCI)
4. 刘旭华, 徐兴忠, 李娜, 一种可修系统稳态可用度的广义置信区间, 北京理工大学学报 30 (2010), 613-615. (EI)
3. Liu Xuhua, Xu Xingzhong, He Xiongkui, Zhang Luda, Study on the Application of Supervised Principal Component Regression Procedure to Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Quantitative Analysis, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis 29(2009), 2959-2961. (SCI)
2. 刘旭华, 基于PLS通径分析的上市公司财务指标综合评价, 数理统计与管理27(2008),695-700.(CSSCI)
1. Li Wen-bin, Sun Ren-shan, Liu Xu-hua, Liu Yong, Discrimination method of forked larch trees, For. Stud. China 8(2006), 46-49. 



2. Combined inference on the common coefficient of variation using confidence distributions.
The First International Workshop on BFF Inference and Statistical Foundations, ECNU, Shanghai, China, Nov 12, 2014.
1. Fiducial Generalized Inference in Unbalanced Two Component Normal Mixed Linear Model.
1. 主讲《概率论与数理统计》等工科类数学基础课程,以及《概率论》、《数理统计》、《数学实验》、《数学软件综合训练》、《统计软件综合训练》等数学专业本科课程;

2. 主讲研究生《应用数理统计》、《试验设计与多元分析》等课程.

