 >>  师资力量  >>  副教授  >>  数学系
性 别: 学 位: 博士
职 称: 副教授 所属系别: 应用数学系
E -- mail : phh2000@163.com

庞慧慧,博士,应用数学系副教授,主要研究方向为常微分方程边值问题。主讲《常微分方程》,《复变函数与积分变换》和《概率论与数理统计》等课程,2011年获中国农业大学第八届教学基本功大赛一等奖, 2013年获北京市青年教师教学基本功大赛二等奖,2016年获北京市数学微课程教学设计竞赛一等奖。







中央高校基本科研业务费:张量型数据机器学习的最优化理论及其应用 2016-2017

中央高校基本科研业务费:非线性微分方程非局部边值问题及对策 2015-2016

北京青年英才计划: 整数及分数阶脉冲微分方程可解性研究  2013-2015 中央高校基本科研业务费:分数阶微分方程边值问题解的存在性 2013-2014         中央高校基本科研业务费:具有积分边界条件的脉冲微分方程边值问题 2011-2012       中国农业大学科研启动基金:非线性微分方程非局部边值问题的可解性研究 2009-2010    



微课教学在大学数学公共课中的应用研究     2016-2017    共计2万

概率论与数理统计在线教学与考试平台建设   2015-2016    共计2万




基础课程工程建设——高等数学             2009-2011    共计10万 复变函数与积分变换课程建设               2012-2014    共计3万


发表SCI论文18, EI及核心论文7篇:


 1. Mengyan Cui,Yuke Zhu, Huihui Pang,Existence and uniqueness results for a coupled fractional order systems with the multi-strip and multi-point mixed boundary conditions,Advances in Difference Equations, 2017 , 2017 (1): 224 (SCI). 

2.Jian Dou, Dongyuan Zhou,Huihui Pang,Existence and multiplicity of positive solutions to a fourth-order impulsive integral boundary value problem with deviating argument,Boundary Value Problems (2016) 2016:166 (SCI).

3.Wenyu Xie,Huihui Pang,The shooting method and integral boundary value    problems of third-order differential equation,Advances in Difference Equations (2016) 2016:138 (SCI).

4. Huihui Pang,Wenyu Xie, Limei Cao,Successive iteration and positive solutions   for a third-order boundary value problem involving integral conditions, Boundary Value Problems, (2015) 2015:139 (SCI). 

5. Huihui Pang,Chen Cai, Monotone iterative technique and symmetric positive solutions to fourth-order   boundary value problem with integral boundary conditions, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, vol. 2014, Article ID 583875, 7 pages (SCI).

6. Weigao Ge, Huihui Pang, Yu Tian, Existence of solutions to mixed boundary value problems via variational method, Dynamic Systems and Applications, 23(2014) 1056-2176 (SCI).

7. Huihui Pang,Yulong Tong, Symmetric positive solutions to a second-order boundary value problem with integral boundary conditions, Boundary Value Problems, 2013,2013:150 (SCI).

8. Huihui Pang,Chunmei Miao, Weigao Ge, Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of quasi- symmetric positive solutions of singular boundary value problem,Nonlinear Analysis,71 (2009) 654-665 (SCI).

9. Huihui Pang,Weigao Ge, Existence Result for Some Fourth-Order Multi-Point Boundary Value Problem, Mathematical and Computer Modeling,49(2009)1319-1325 (SCI).

10. Chunmei Miao, Huihui Pang,Weigao Ge, Positive solutions of singular our-point boundary value problem with p-Laplac ian, Electronic J. of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations,42(2009) 1-16 (SCI).

11. Meiqiang Feng, Huihui Pang, A class of three-point boundary-value problems for second-order impulsive integro-differential equations in Banach spaces, Nonl. Anal. 70 (2009) 64–82 (SCI).

12. Huihui Pang, Hanying Feng, Weigao Ge, Multiple positive solutions of quasi-linear boundary value problems for finite difference equations, Appl. Math. Comp. 197 (2008) 451-456 (SCI).

13. Huihui Pang, Meiqiang Feng, Weigao Ge, Existence and monotone iteration of positive solutions for a three-point boundary value problem, Appl. Math. Lett. 21 (2008) 656-661 (SCI).

14. Huihui Pang, Hairong Lian, Weigao Ge, Solvability of nonlocal boundary value problems for ordinary differential equation of higher order with a p-Laplacian, Comp. Math. Appl. 56 (2008) 127-142 (SCI).

15. Hairong Lian, Huihui Pang, Weigao Ge, Solvability for second-order three-point boundary value problems at resonance on a half-line, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 337 (2008) 1171-1181 (SCI).

16. Hanying Feng, Huihui Pang, Weigao Ge, Multiplicity of symmetric positive solutions for a multipoint boundary value problem with a one-dimensional p-Laplacian, Nonl. Anal. 69 (2008) 3050-3059 (SCI).

17. Huihui Pang, Hairong Lian, Weigao Ge, , Multiple positive solutions for second-order four-point boundary value problem, Comp. Math. Appl. 54 (2007) 1267-1275 (SCI).

18. Hairong Lian, Huihui Pang, Weigao Ge, Triple positive solutions for boundary value problems on infinite intervals, Nonl. Anal. 67(2007) 2199-2207 (SCI).




1. 2016年中国农业大学教学成果奖,一等奖(第一完成人);

2. 2016年北京市数学微课程教学设计竞赛,一等奖

3. 2013年北京高校第八届青年教师教学基本功比赛,二等奖;

4. 2011年中国农业大学第八届青年教师教学基本功比赛,一等奖.




1. 2016届中国农业大学百篇优秀本科毕业论文”优秀指导教师奖;

2. 2014中国农业大学百篇优秀本科毕业论文优秀指导教师奖;

3. 被评为中国农业大学2013年度优秀共产党员;

4. 被评为中国农业大学2011年度优秀教师及工会先进个人;

5. 2010年度考核优秀;

6. 中国农业大学2009-2010学年优秀班主任,2011-2012学年优秀班主任.



校百篇优秀:卢梦、解文宇本科生发表SCI期刊论文:佟宇龙、卢梦、蔡晨、解文宇、窦健、崔梦言 北创项目:解文宇、崔梦言



