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学术报告: Chemotherapy and Cognitive Impairment: Mysteries of Chemobrain
报  告  人:Prof. Vishnu Suppiramaniam ,Harrison School of Pharmacy, Auburn University
时        间:2017年5月19日,星期五下午2:00
地        点:西校区理学楼143会议室

Professor Vishnu Suppiramaniam简介

Department of Drug Discovery & Development, Harrison School of Pharmacy, Auburn University.

Assistant Dean for Research and Graduate Programs, Interim Department Head

Research highlights:

 1) develop a novel technique to directly measure the single ion channel properties of synaptic AMPA and NMDA receptors and demonstrate the interactive (cooperative) channel gating of synaptic AMPA receptors. 2) illustrate the direct modulation of synaptic AMPA receptors by Alzheimer peptide Ab1-42, 3) demonstrate the direct modulation of AMPA receptors by PSA and thereby establishing the neuroprotective role for PSA, 4) identify subunit and region specific modulation of NMDA receptors by NCAM-PSA, 5) elucidate the molecular mechanism of memory loss in prenatal alcohol  and nicotine exposure as well as  identify a possible therapeutic option and 6) illustrate the role of dimmer interface AMPA receptor channel kinetics.


学术报告后Vishnu Suppiramaniam及相关负责人将对美国奥本大学哈里森药学院中外合作办学项目进行宣讲。

奥本大学的哈里森药学院(Harrison School of Pharmacy)成立于1885年,根据U.S. News & World Report最近的统计数据奥本大学药学院在全美药学院排名Top 20%, 是一个研究实力非常强的药学专业。 奥本大学药学院3+2(或3.5+1.5,4+2,4.5+1.5,根据完成本科学位课程的时间长度而定) 本硕双学位项目是一个开放的联合人才培养项目,即,中国大学的本科生完成本科3年课程以后,即可赴美学习2年研究生课程,用5年(4+2/4.5+1.5项目需要6年)的时间取得中方的学士学位和奥本大学硕士学位。

