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《化学与应用化学研究进展》 Criteria for Identification and Confirmation of Chemical Residues using Low Resolution Mass Spectrometry and High Resolution Mass Spectrometry
报  告  人:Alex Krynitsky
时        间:2017-11-3(周五), 上午8:30-11:00
地        点:西区理学楼143

Summary of Alex Krynitsky’s Background:  Overall Alex has 43 years’ experience in Residue Chemistry.  Prior to his retirement in 2016, Alex was Chief of the Bioanalytical Methods Branch at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Center of Food Safety and Applied Nutrition where he Supervised method development activities for pesticide residues in foods and dietary supplements, using state of the art technology (such as LC-MS/MS and high resolution mass spectrometry), as well as methods development work for the determination of dioxins/PCBs, perchlorate, melamine and its analogs,mycotoxins, veterinary drugs, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in foods.  Also, he supervised a team of chemists that develop and validate methods for the analysis of trans fat in foods.  Alex’s goal was to successfully perform a single laboratory validation and transfer these methods to FDA Field Laboratories and other laboratories (often via validation as AOAC Official Methods of Analysis) for routine analysis.  Prior to FDA, Alex worked in Pesticide Residues both for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  Currently Alex works a Science Adviser for FDA, Office of Regulatory Affairs and works part time for Symbiotic Research, LLC.

